Meet the Faces Behind LifeDirt
This month, we’re taking you behind the scenes to introduce some of the amazing team members who make LifeDirt possible. Our team works hard to get your fresh, quality produce ready for pickup or delivery to your doorstep.
We’ve conducted video interviews with our current team members to give you a glimpse into their roles, interests and experiences. Here are some quick excerpts from some of their introductions:
The highlights
Amy: "I love my boxes!... We try to source the most local and the most organic products for the boxes. We do our research and I think we do really good. We have good outcomes. So, that brings me pride... Authentically, we get to see who we buy our products from... We're helping each other."
Mujin: "I'm a gardener and aspiring garden designer, and my goal in gardening is to help the biodiversity on a piece of land by creating habitat and also to grow quality produce for my friends and family... I had grown some fresh herbs from my garden that I was able to sell, and that's how [Miriam & I] met: by providing some produce to LifeDirt."
Jake: "When I was ready to pull the trigger to actually get a box from you, I remember the day I came up so excited and you gave me the box and I was like, "Hey, I know you and I know that we've talked before, and you probably don't remember me, but I want to volunteer for you!""
Miriam: "[In 2020] I was spending a lot of time in nature and I really wanted some part of the business connecting people back to the earth in some way. So, our goal with LifeDirt is to help people connect to the earth through the food that they eat. So it's very local, it's very fresh and we want to make it more available to people who are living in our community."
We hope you enjoyed meeting some of our team. Want to see the video interview? Check us out on Instagram/Facebook (@lifedirt.sj). These guys make it all possible! Stay tuned for more team spotlights in the future!