Mystical Butternut Squish

Mystical Butternut Squish

For some reason, my college roommate and I named our radio show "Mystical Butternut Squish." I don't know if it caught on with our listeners, but I must say I remember it every fall when the beautiful squash start seemingly spilling off the vines everywhere you look. A little dramatic maybe, but I did grow up being told a pumpkin could turn into a magical chariot, so maybe it makes sense that the squash/pumpkin family carries a bit of drama.

Since squash keeps so well, we tend to have it in our boxes quite regularly throughout the fall and winter months. I figured it would be worth sharing a collection of squash-related recipes that I've gathered over the years of LifeDirt so you can find them all in one place.

Okay I think it's dinner time!! I'm out!



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